Do you have a snoring habit? Or is it your partner who likes to snore? Whoever it is, snoring can disrupt the person sleeping with them, whether it be your wife or your husband, siblings, friends, and so forth.
Most people think that snoring is the effect of a busy and exhausting lifestyle. That's true, it's just that it should be known and realized that there is a difference between normal snoring and snoring which becomes a serious omen.
Snoring is a common thing that some people do while sleeping. However, this condition can be a serious thing and affect the daily life.
When snoring, the oxygen supply can be reduced, so you are tired the next day. If not addressed, sleep time should be used to rest, to be not maximal.
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The sound of snoring that is created also vary, depending on the origin of the vibration. If the vibrating is the soft tissue that is behind the nose, it will produce a smooth snoring. But if the vibrating is the roof of the mouth and the back of the throat, will produce a louder snoring. Snoring is caused by several things, such as obesity, drinking, taking sleeping pills, sleeping positions, smoking, or abnormalities in the nose and throat. Especially in children, snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils.
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1. Overweight
Fatty tissue and poor muscle mass contribute to your snoring. In fact, if you do not have excess weight, having an extra burden around your neck and throat alone can cause you to snore. Generally, regular exercise and trying to lose weight can get around this sleep disorder.
2. Age
In the middle of life, your throat may narrow, and muscle mass in your throat may decrease. Age cannot be tampered with, but you can manage your snoring by changing lifestyle, sleep time change, and throat gymnastics.
3. Anatomy of the body
Men have narrower breathing pathways than women and are more likely to snore. A narrow throat, cleft, enlarged thyroid gland, and other physical attributes are genetic products that can affect the frequency of your snoring. Genetics cannot be changed, but you can get around snoring with changes in sleep routines and proper lifestyle, early sleep, and throat gymnastics.
4. Respiratory problems
Nasal congestion, whatever the reason (colds, allergies, sinusitis), can make you hard to breathe and make empty space in the throat, which causes snoring. Warm the bath before bed to open the airway more relieved. Neti pots can also be used to clean the respiratory tract with the help of saline and water solution.
5. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs
These three things can affect your snoring. Tranquilizers, such as lorazepam and diazepam, can increase muscle tone that causes snoring. The solution: avoid alcohol and quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about prescription medicines you use, because some types of drugs can make you sleep very sound and make the sound of snoring getting worse
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Perhaps you have not known that snoring can be a sign of having a serious illness. One is sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that can make you stop breathing for a few seconds to two minutes during sleep. This makes the levels of oxygen in the blood decrease so you will feel tiredness and headaches the next day.
Snoring is also closely related to some chronic diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease.
To avoid various health problems occur due to snoring, you should immediately cope with these bad habits. Try to do eight easy steps in preventing the following snoring:
1. Change Sleep Position
Sleeping position turns out whether you snore or not. According to one study, sleeping on your back can cause you to snore. It happens because sleeping on the back can make the base of the tongue and soft palate in the mouth covering the throat wall causing vibration of sound during sleep. To anticipate, try sleeping in a sideways position.
If you are used to sleeping on your back, try putting tennis balls or anything on the mattress that can make your back feel uncomfortable when laid. Automatically, the discomfort can get you to sleep sideways.
2. Enough sleep
Lack of sleep or having a poor sleep schedule can trigger you to snore. For example, you are too busy working then forget to spend enough time to sleep. When you have reached a point of exhaustion that is very severe, the condition of the muscles will become not tense so that makes you sleep snoring.
3. Avoid Alcohol and Sleep Drugs
Usually, people who have never snored will soon snore after consuming drinks containing alcohol. According to research, drinking alcohol at four to five hours before bed can make the snoring worse. So you should avoid drinking it before bed.
Drinking sleeping pills should also be avoided. Indeed, this drug can make you sleep fast, but sleeping pills can make the muscles in the neck become more relaxed so that makes your snoring worse.
4. Drink a lot of water
When dehydrated, the process of release of mucus in the nose and soft palate becomes sticky. It can encourage you to snore. Therefore, drink plenty of water. For women, ideally drink about 11 glasses of water a day, while men as much as 16 glasses.
5. Wash Your Nose with Salt Water
Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be handled by opening the nasal cavity in order to remain open so that air circulation can be launched.
If the nasal cavity is blocked by flu or other things, then the incoming airflow can turn into snoring. To fix this, you can wash your nose with a solution of salt water, like handling sinusitis naturally at home. Or it could be an easy way, namely a warm bath before bed.
6. Lose Weight
Losing weight can be a way to cope with snoring. However, this cannot be applied to everyone because there are some skinny people also often snore. This can be done if you start snoring when there is weight gain, whereas before you did not snore. Gaining weight, especially affecting the neck, can cause you to snore.
7. Do not smoke
Smoking can lead to nasal and lung congestion. These conditions can trigger you to snore. So, stop smoking now to get rid of snoring and other dangers from smoking.
8. Keep Room Hygiene
Allergies can trigger you to snore. To minimize it, always keep the cleanliness of your bedroom. Clean the entire furniture in the room, such as beds, pillows, bed sheets, and curtains to avoid mites or fleas.
You should avoid sleeping with pets to avoid animal dander into your nasal cavity. Just in case, change your pillow every six months to avoid mites or fleas.
Snoring can be a more serious problem. For example, your partner is disturbed sleep because you snore, your own sleep is also disturbed, or you feel tired due to lack of oxygen. As a result, the next morning you or your partner may be drowsy and threaten the safety of the soul while driving a vehicle or performing other activities. In addition, you may experience a choking state at the time snoring, and this can be dangerous.
If snoring is very disturbing, should consult a doctor for a more appropriate treatment. You can search for hospital information that handles sleep disorders, including snoring disorders you experience.
Most people think that snoring is the effect of a busy and exhausting lifestyle. That's true, it's just that it should be known and realized that there is a difference between normal snoring and snoring which becomes a serious omen.
Snoring is a common thing that some people do while sleeping. However, this condition can be a serious thing and affect the daily life.
When snoring, the oxygen supply can be reduced, so you are tired the next day. If not addressed, sleep time should be used to rest, to be not maximal.
Read: The influence of sleep 7 – 8 hours a day for body

It happens when you snore
When you snore, there is a vibration on the roof of the mouth, soft tissue of the mouth, nose, or throat. When airflow enters the tissues in the throat and experiences obstacles that are when there is a vibrating sound. Uniquely, half of the adults ever or routinely experience snoring.The sound of snoring that is created also vary, depending on the origin of the vibration. If the vibrating is the soft tissue that is behind the nose, it will produce a smooth snoring. But if the vibrating is the roof of the mouth and the back of the throat, will produce a louder snoring. Snoring is caused by several things, such as obesity, drinking, taking sleeping pills, sleeping positions, smoking, or abnormalities in the nose and throat. Especially in children, snoring can be caused by enlarged tonsils.
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Common Causes of Snoring
Reporting from Help Guide, some of the snoring causes most often experienced by many people include:1. Overweight
Fatty tissue and poor muscle mass contribute to your snoring. In fact, if you do not have excess weight, having an extra burden around your neck and throat alone can cause you to snore. Generally, regular exercise and trying to lose weight can get around this sleep disorder.
2. Age
In the middle of life, your throat may narrow, and muscle mass in your throat may decrease. Age cannot be tampered with, but you can manage your snoring by changing lifestyle, sleep time change, and throat gymnastics.
3. Anatomy of the body
Men have narrower breathing pathways than women and are more likely to snore. A narrow throat, cleft, enlarged thyroid gland, and other physical attributes are genetic products that can affect the frequency of your snoring. Genetics cannot be changed, but you can get around snoring with changes in sleep routines and proper lifestyle, early sleep, and throat gymnastics.
4. Respiratory problems
Nasal congestion, whatever the reason (colds, allergies, sinusitis), can make you hard to breathe and make empty space in the throat, which causes snoring. Warm the bath before bed to open the airway more relieved. Neti pots can also be used to clean the respiratory tract with the help of saline and water solution.
5. Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs
These three things can affect your snoring. Tranquilizers, such as lorazepam and diazepam, can increase muscle tone that causes snoring. The solution: avoid alcohol and quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about prescription medicines you use, because some types of drugs can make you sleep very sound and make the sound of snoring getting worse
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Snoring Signs of Disease?
Perhaps you have not known that snoring can be a sign of having a serious illness. One is sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that can make you stop breathing for a few seconds to two minutes during sleep. This makes the levels of oxygen in the blood decrease so you will feel tiredness and headaches the next day.
Snoring is also closely related to some chronic diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease.
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How to Prevent and Stop Snoring Habit
To avoid various health problems occur due to snoring, you should immediately cope with these bad habits. Try to do eight easy steps in preventing the following snoring:
1. Change Sleep Position
Sleeping position turns out whether you snore or not. According to one study, sleeping on your back can cause you to snore. It happens because sleeping on the back can make the base of the tongue and soft palate in the mouth covering the throat wall causing vibration of sound during sleep. To anticipate, try sleeping in a sideways position.
If you are used to sleeping on your back, try putting tennis balls or anything on the mattress that can make your back feel uncomfortable when laid. Automatically, the discomfort can get you to sleep sideways.
2. Enough sleep
Lack of sleep or having a poor sleep schedule can trigger you to snore. For example, you are too busy working then forget to spend enough time to sleep. When you have reached a point of exhaustion that is very severe, the condition of the muscles will become not tense so that makes you sleep snoring.
3. Avoid Alcohol and Sleep Drugs
Usually, people who have never snored will soon snore after consuming drinks containing alcohol. According to research, drinking alcohol at four to five hours before bed can make the snoring worse. So you should avoid drinking it before bed.
Drinking sleeping pills should also be avoided. Indeed, this drug can make you sleep fast, but sleeping pills can make the muscles in the neck become more relaxed so that makes your snoring worse.
4. Drink a lot of water
When dehydrated, the process of release of mucus in the nose and soft palate becomes sticky. It can encourage you to snore. Therefore, drink plenty of water. For women, ideally drink about 11 glasses of water a day, while men as much as 16 glasses.
5. Wash Your Nose with Salt Water
Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be handled by opening the nasal cavity in order to remain open so that air circulation can be launched.
If the nasal cavity is blocked by flu or other things, then the incoming airflow can turn into snoring. To fix this, you can wash your nose with a solution of salt water, like handling sinusitis naturally at home. Or it could be an easy way, namely a warm bath before bed.
6. Lose Weight
Losing weight can be a way to cope with snoring. However, this cannot be applied to everyone because there are some skinny people also often snore. This can be done if you start snoring when there is weight gain, whereas before you did not snore. Gaining weight, especially affecting the neck, can cause you to snore.
7. Do not smoke
Smoking can lead to nasal and lung congestion. These conditions can trigger you to snore. So, stop smoking now to get rid of snoring and other dangers from smoking.
8. Keep Room Hygiene
Allergies can trigger you to snore. To minimize it, always keep the cleanliness of your bedroom. Clean the entire furniture in the room, such as beds, pillows, bed sheets, and curtains to avoid mites or fleas.
You should avoid sleeping with pets to avoid animal dander into your nasal cavity. Just in case, change your pillow every six months to avoid mites or fleas.
Snoring can be a more serious problem. For example, your partner is disturbed sleep because you snore, your own sleep is also disturbed, or you feel tired due to lack of oxygen. As a result, the next morning you or your partner may be drowsy and threaten the safety of the soul while driving a vehicle or performing other activities. In addition, you may experience a choking state at the time snoring, and this can be dangerous.
If snoring is very disturbing, should consult a doctor for a more appropriate treatment. You can search for hospital information that handles sleep disorders, including snoring disorders you experience.